The psoas muscle is a large muscle that runs from the lower back to the top of the thigh bone. It is responsible for flexing the hip joint and is an important muscle for walking, running, and other movements that involve the legs. When the psoas muscle is tight, it can cause a range of problems, including back pain. One reason why a tight psoas muscle can cause back pain is that it puts a strain on the lower back. When the psoas muscle is tight, it can pull on the lumbar spine, which can cause it to become compressed and misaligned. This can lead to pain in the lower back, particularly in the area around the L4 and L5 vertebrae. Another reason why a tight psoas muscle can cause back pain is that it can affect the alignment of the pelvis. The psoas muscle attaches to the front of the lumbar spine and the inside of the pelvis. When it is tight, it can pull the pelvis forward, which can cause an excessive arch in the lower back. This can also lead to pain in the lower back, as well as in the hips and groin. Additionally, a tight psoas muscle can cause imbalances in the body. It can affect the way you move and the way you distribute weight throughout your body, which can put additional strain on other muscles and joints. This can lead to pain and discomfort not only in the back, but also in other parts of the body such as the knees, ankles, and feet. To address back pain caused by a tight psoas muscle, it is important to stretch and release the muscle. Exercises such as lunges, warrior yoga postures, hip flexor stretches, floor bow and spinal extensions, cobra, can help to stretch the psoas muscle and relieve tension in the lower back. All these postures are found in Breathe HQ Hot Yoga and Breathe HQ Back Yoga Sessions. It is also always important to maintain good posture and avoid sitting for long periods of time, as this can cause the psoas muscle to become tight.